From Exposed Roots: A Collective Census of Culture

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Louisiane des Femmes

Cléoma Breaux Falcon
b. May 27, 1906
d. April 4, 1941
"Many.. were not only unconventional in their tendency toward single status but also in their 'assertive' or 'prickly' personalities. They did not live up to, or refused to remain confined by, the standards of decorous behavior defined for women of their day. In short, they were not 'ladylike.' They were described by their contemporaries as like 'vinegar' or  'fussy', gruff, indecorous, intimidating (for a woman). For those for whom there are no extant personal descriptions, their behavior indicates that they were willing to challenge accepted notions of propriety."

"It is hard not to admire their ingenuity and fortitude as they made a better place in the world for themselves, for their children, and very often for other women as well. Given the relative lack of power and opportunity for women, their actions were nothing short of astonishing. Faced with adversity or opportunity, they reinvented themselves, shedding convention and creating new roles for themselves and... for other women. In so doing, they stretched the definition of what it meant to be a Louisiana woman and also... the very concept of 'southern womanhood.'"

Louisiana Women Their Lives and Times
Edited by Janet Allured and Judith F. Gentry


  1. this describes the Prairie des Femmes to a 'T' at they say. which women was this passage talking about? La women in general? Are La women ladylike in a certain way? interesting.... La Prairie des Femmes is not ladylike, she's quite "prickly" lol

    1. This was part of the intro chapter, talking about the Louisiana women in the book in general. But I personally connect with it because I see myself and multiple girlfriends as being the same way, being assertive and gruff but yet always wearing tights, skirts, and dresses. I'm glad I could share with you! I want to write more on this topic and talk to you about it! Hopefully we'll be able to do that soon.

    2. definitely- I see that in us. I mean, that seems normal, though. I never even thought of it.... I often personify the PDF as a woman and I am gonna try to incorporate this quote somewhere... but the pdf doesn't wear dresses. she only wears a slip at dusk and dawn, lol
